Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Auntie

My auntie is also a blogger. But unlike me she is an awesome writer. Today is her birthday. Her 41st birthday as a matter of fact, and in her blog today she wrote a piece to herself as if she were 16 and told about her life to come. It was a very inspiring piece I do have to say.
I cried, I smiled, and I laughed a bit.
It made me think about what maybe my life is going to be like at the age of 41. My auntie and I are so much alike sometimes it's scary, so sometimes I wonder if I will be in some of the same boats she has been in throughout her life. I wouldn't mind that at all, because she is one of the best role models I will ever have. She is very smart, has a great heart, a great little family, and just has a really good prospective on life.
LOL, unlike my aunt though I will not be waiting until I am thirty to have children. That is about the onlyt hing we will not have in common. I want to be done having kids by then.
I am just gonna start rambling now, but I just think that everyone should look at the people that mean the most to them and see if you could one day possibly end up in there shoes. Look to see if you would be happy in those shoes, and if not maybe you are looking up to the wrong people. I think the people you look up to should be people that you wouldn't mind being in there shoes.
If you know what I mean?

Until next time


Happy 41st Birthday Auntie

Thursday, March 5, 2009

WhAt A BeAuTiFuL DaY To Be AlIvE

What a beautiful day it has been today. Nearly 65 degrees! Today was for sure flip flop weather. My favorite weather. It would have been nice to go for a long walk or a bike ride, but due to midterms here at school I was forced to stay in my room studying or in the library.
Tomorrow starts my first official college spring break. Usually this means I would be in Florida, or someplace warm, getting a tan. I would be getting drunk and meeting new guys and possibly putting myself in debt using up credit cards. Cuz this is what most people automatically think college students will be doing when they hear the words "spring break".
Well I am not one of these college students. I will be spending my break with my family, with my dentist, with my physician, with my eye doctor, and with my boyfriend. What a fun time right? LOL! Not really! But all these things I would rather be doing than wasting away my life doing what most other college students will be doing.
After break I will only have a month and half left of school. Then it will be a summer full of new experiences and good memories. This summer I will be getting my first official job. Hopefully I can work at this daycare center in a near by town. I think I would really enjoy that. I am also going to be taking up golf this summer. Gas station boy is a golfer and I promised him I would learn too so that we could enjoy it together. So if you are out on a golf coarse this spring/summer, beware of the rookies out there.
Well I need to finish packing for break and have to waste away one more night of studying for my last midterm.

so for now...

to a new start

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Wet Day

Today seems to be a very wet day here in Dubuque, Iowa. Woke up early this morning, not getting much sleep last night cuz thought of the future kept running through my head.
Today is going to be one of those really tiring yet stressful days, where you just want to hide under the covers all day and pretend your not there.
Yes, today I have to run the mile! Yucky! then i need to get caught up on some work and then maybe after that i could take a nice peaceful nap before i have to prepare myself for another day as a struggling college student.
Thats all for now... until then...

to a new start and a new beginning

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A new start


Something inside me has changed. Not a bad change, but a good one! It was a change I was afraid of, for I htought I wouldn't be me anymore. But in all reality the change has made me the real me everyone told me I lost. You know what I mean?

I thank God for watching over me and leading me in the direction he did. THe people around me that mean the most to me also had a major part in this, and without them I would still be a little lost. Okay!... very lost!

I will start writing on here more tomorrow, but for now!...

to a new start and a new beginning